Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academic Success Blog

I think graduate school and internship can make me feel academic success in the future. I can learn more experience and knowledge that I will not have in the college class. And I think the obstacle that will make me in difficulty to achieve my academic goal is language and communication. Since I am not a native speaker, I can not understand something sometimes. I guess I have to study harder in whatever the language is in order to overcome the obstacle.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Service Day Reflection

I was picking up the trash on the ground near the parking deck in NJIT at the Service Day. There was the place for people who work or study in NJIT to park their cars. The experience of picking up trash from the ground are not so good. The weather that day was hot and the time we stay near the parking deck was about noon. However, the trash there was not too much, we did't spend much time staying there. From the service, I learned that if we can help the environment and the community more, then we should do it. And this event made people can have more comfortable and clean environment in the school. The experience was not so different from what I expected. I knew that it was going to be very boring for picking up the trash, but it was worth it to make school looks clean. If the event was not picking up trash but to prune trees, it would be more interesting and meaningful. We can gain more knowledge of how to prune trees. If I have a chance to do the community service again in the future, I won't volunteer to pick up trash again. I will look for more interesting and meaningful services.